Chai Tow Kuay

Chai Tow Kuay is not the traditional carrot cake that your American friend or British office mate loved. The carrot ingredient is more like a white radish grated into rice flour and steamed into large cakes. These cakes are then cut up into small pieces and then fried with preserved turnip, fish sauce, eggs, soy sauce, spring onions and garlic.
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Chai Tow Kuay is not the traditional carrot cake that your American friend or British office mate loved. The carrot ingredient is more like a white radish grated into rice flour and steamed into large cakes. These cakes are then cut up into small pieces and then fried with preserved turnip, fish sauce, eggs, soy sauce, spring onions and garlic. It is also known as chye tow kueh or fried carrot cake.

Aside from this favourite treat, there are other Singaporean foods that you need to try as well!
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Location Singapore

chai tow kuay

chai tow kway

chye tow kueh

foreign cuisine

Singaporean cuisine

Singaporean foods

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