Ganjang Gejang, or crab marinated in soy sauce, can be so addictive that it's often affectionately called by Koreans as "rice thief," since it is so delicious that you have to keep eating more rice just so that you can have more gejang!
Slightly tangy, tantalizingly bitter, pungent and cold, the taste may come as a shock for first-timers but for locals, gejang has been carving out a niche for itself as more of a centerpiece than a sideshow to other seafood.
Gyeongsang, Jeolla, and Jeju Island are famous for their own characteristic gejang. It is a representative specialty of Yeosu in South Jeolla Province, and a traditional Jeolla cuisine dish. Yeosu is famous for gejang as well as gat kimchi. A meal emphasizing ganjang gejang is called gejang baekgan that consists of a plate ganjang gejang, various plates of banchan (side dishes), and a bowl of cooked rice.
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